Real Warhammer
Автор прикрутил механику мода Real Combat /Real Recruitment к Вахе. И добавил несколько сабмодов.
Описание (на английском)

It sets unit stats based on many factors. It will take into account area of origin, armor details (strength, weight, how hot it gets), weapons (swords, spears, axes, lances), and even unit skill. For example, an average soldier with a sword will get 4 attack and 5 defense. A militia version of that same unit would have 3 attack and 4 defense. On the other hand, an elite unit with a sword would have 8 attack and 7 defense. There are many other unit skill levels that range from Exceptional (the best of the best) all the way down to Levy Peasants (you wouldn't want these in your armies). Weapons, armor, shields, and even mounts can cause your men to tire quickly. For example, a soldier wearing leather armor would get +2 heat to him, but only 2 armor. Another unit wearing Gothic armor (which is heavy duty armor) would get a massive +7 to his heat, but would get an even bigger +15 to his armor. Unit attitudes can also affect stats. For example, a unit designed for defense would get -1 attack, but +1 defense. A reckless unit, however, would get +2 attack and -2 defense. This helps balance out how units are used.
They will rely on their knowledge of gunpowder and the numbers of their Statetroops to overcome their foes. Elite units, such as War Priests, Reiksguard and Teutogen Guard, will be an important asset to your army as they will have to hold off more powerful foes such as Chaos Chosen or Orc Big 'Uns.
Marauders (part of the Chaos armies)
Even though they are not their own faction, they do have an importance. They will supply the Chaos with numbers and human shields. Despite being fierce warriors, they won't last long against better armed foes. But they are, however, stronger and have more endurance than other humans. This will be key.
The Kislev are a fierce nation filled with guns and axes. This does not mean they are barbaric however. They are sophisticated and have even tamed Bears for the use of their generals as mounts. In this sub-mod, the Kislev will rely on their Cavalry more heavily than any other faction. Their Checkists and Ungols will shower the enemies with arrows and bullets while the mighty Griffon Legions charge and break the enemy lines. Their infantry are okay, but will easily be over powered by heavier soldiers such as Chaos Warriors. For the Kislev, missiles are your friends, so use them wisely.
This branch of Chaos is the jack of all trades. They have a balanced army consisting of Chaos Warriors, Marauders, Chaos Dwarves, and even Demons from the various Chaod gods. Even though they won't excel in one particular area, they will be a tough and well-balanced opponent.
These guys hit hard and they hit fast. They are the bloodthirsty ones of the Chaos hordes. Their attack and fury will be unmatched by any other. But this comes as a price, defense. Since the Warriors of Khorne carry two weapons, they have no shields, which will make them vulnerable to missiles. Bloodletters will be of top concern to any enemy of the Blood God. Despite their low numbers, they will take a concentrated effort to bring down.
This army will be focused on range. They will have the best ranged units out of any Chaos faction. Their Sorcerors will wreck havoc upon your armies. After that comes the Horrors. These little grotesque creatures' names are well deserved. They will burn down mortals with the Flames of Change. If Sorcerors and Horrors don't finish you off, the Screemers will. They are like the Sharks of the Skies, capable of ripping a man to pieces in seconds.
Unlike Khorne, they do not have the strength to hold off enemy lines, and unlike Tzeentch, they do not have the range to kill them off before they get to you. What they rely on is speed and agility. The followers of the God of Desire will have some of the highest defense ratings in the game, making them very hard to land a hit on. Their Demonettes provide excellent speed to hunt down slower foes trying to escape their fury.
The God of Decay's armies are slow, but durable. They are the opposite of Slaanesh's Warriors. While Slaanesh's worshippers base their hearts on beauty and temptation, the festoring devouts of Nurgle allow themselves to be overcome by virtually any and every disease known to both God and man alike. This makes them very frightening and hard to kill. Blows that would kill a normal man would not affect a Nurgle Warrior. Their Sorcerors focus their magic not on fire like the Bright Wizards of the Empire, but on decay and pestillence. They are capable of killing off entire armies with just one flick of their staff. Plaguebearers, one of the nastiest spawns of Chaos, are fearsome indeed. They are near impossible to kill with mortal weapons and they spread their filth among enemy ranks, inciting fear and death.
Sylvannia (aka the Vampire Counts)
The Vampires are ancient beings of tremendous power. They are capable of raising entire armies of undead minions to devour their foes. In this mod, they will be very few in number, but rightfully feared. They are capable of killing off entire regiments of Empire Soldiers and even some Demons. They will take some effort to kill.
These undead beings are very numerous, but also very weak. They are summoned by a Vampire Count in times of war. They are numberless and know no fear. They follow orders without question or emotion. They are a must for filling the ranks of your army. The Grave Guards, the best of the Skeletons, are less numerous, but still deadly. They are a match for an experienced Empire State Soldier, and like their weaker cousins, they know no fear.
These shambling masses of decayed flesh are a ghastly site to uphold. They march with undying hunger for the living's flesh. In game, they make excellent cannon fodder and shields for your more valuable units such as the Vampires.
High Elves
The High Elves are mighty, yet fragile, warriors. Centuries of expericence has given them enough skill to match that of the best of the Chaos Champions. But, unlike the undead hordes of Sylvannia, they lack numbers. They symbolize quality over quantity. They must make every unit count, as there aren't many of them. Their cavalry are some of the best in game, and their Phoenix Guard are top of the line. Even their lowest soldiers, High Elf Spears, are better than most of what the Empire has to offer. But their going to need that if they are to face the Hordes of Chaos.
The Dwarves are a powerful, infantry based, faction. They excel in defense like no other. They can resist the most brutal arrow volleys and whether the largest morale shocks. They have the highest defense ratings in this sub-mod, with the Iron Breakers boasting a rating of 29 defense. But all of this armor comes at a price. The Dwarven armies are slow and their attack is sub-par (although they can cut through the toughest of armor). They will be a defensive faction, the polar opposite of the impetuous Orc Hordes.
Chaos Dwarves
The Chaos Dwarves are a sub-group of the average Dwarf. They are just as tough, but twice as mean. They aid the Chaos armies in their conquest by providing them with armor and weapons. They may have smaller armies than the Dwarves of Karaz Ankor, but they are just as strong, if not stronger. They have even built the dreaded Hellcannons that can blast down even the toughest walls with one shot. They are rightly feared.
Other hosted sub-mods
Event pictures enhanced by steroid
Beren's Workshop by ~Beren~
Hotseat mod by me (aka The Holy Pilgrim)
Sprites Glorious Sprites by Mr.Man (No longer in use as it is already implemented in version 3)
More Ancillaries 3.0 -update 12.2.2010 by Kahvipannu
Unit pictures enhanced! by steroid
Daemon Prince Minimod for COWv1.31 by FabiusBile
They will rely on their knowledge of gunpowder and the numbers of their Statetroops to overcome their foes. Elite units, such as War Priests, Reiksguard and Teutogen Guard, will be an important asset to your army as they will have to hold off more powerful foes such as Chaos Chosen or Orc Big 'Uns.
Marauders (part of the Chaos armies)
Even though they are not their own faction, they do have an importance. They will supply the Chaos with numbers and human shields. Despite being fierce warriors, they won't last long against better armed foes. But they are, however, stronger and have more endurance than other humans. This will be key.
The Kislev are a fierce nation filled with guns and axes. This does not mean they are barbaric however. They are sophisticated and have even tamed Bears for the use of their generals as mounts. In this sub-mod, the Kislev will rely on their Cavalry more heavily than any other faction. Their Checkists and Ungols will shower the enemies with arrows and bullets while the mighty Griffon Legions charge and break the enemy lines. Their infantry are okay, but will easily be over powered by heavier soldiers such as Chaos Warriors. For the Kislev, missiles are your friends, so use them wisely.
This branch of Chaos is the jack of all trades. They have a balanced army consisting of Chaos Warriors, Marauders, Chaos Dwarves, and even Demons from the various Chaod gods. Even though they won't excel in one particular area, they will be a tough and well-balanced opponent.
These guys hit hard and they hit fast. They are the bloodthirsty ones of the Chaos hordes. Their attack and fury will be unmatched by any other. But this comes as a price, defense. Since the Warriors of Khorne carry two weapons, they have no shields, which will make them vulnerable to missiles. Bloodletters will be of top concern to any enemy of the Blood God. Despite their low numbers, they will take a concentrated effort to bring down.
This army will be focused on range. They will have the best ranged units out of any Chaos faction. Their Sorcerors will wreck havoc upon your armies. After that comes the Horrors. These little grotesque creatures' names are well deserved. They will burn down mortals with the Flames of Change. If Sorcerors and Horrors don't finish you off, the Screemers will. They are like the Sharks of the Skies, capable of ripping a man to pieces in seconds.
Unlike Khorne, they do not have the strength to hold off enemy lines, and unlike Tzeentch, they do not have the range to kill them off before they get to you. What they rely on is speed and agility. The followers of the God of Desire will have some of the highest defense ratings in the game, making them very hard to land a hit on. Their Demonettes provide excellent speed to hunt down slower foes trying to escape their fury.
The God of Decay's armies are slow, but durable. They are the opposite of Slaanesh's Warriors. While Slaanesh's worshippers base their hearts on beauty and temptation, the festoring devouts of Nurgle allow themselves to be overcome by virtually any and every disease known to both God and man alike. This makes them very frightening and hard to kill. Blows that would kill a normal man would not affect a Nurgle Warrior. Their Sorcerors focus their magic not on fire like the Bright Wizards of the Empire, but on decay and pestillence. They are capable of killing off entire armies with just one flick of their staff. Plaguebearers, one of the nastiest spawns of Chaos, are fearsome indeed. They are near impossible to kill with mortal weapons and they spread their filth among enemy ranks, inciting fear and death.
Sylvannia (aka the Vampire Counts)
The Vampires are ancient beings of tremendous power. They are capable of raising entire armies of undead minions to devour their foes. In this mod, they will be very few in number, but rightfully feared. They are capable of killing off entire regiments of Empire Soldiers and even some Demons. They will take some effort to kill.
These undead beings are very numerous, but also very weak. They are summoned by a Vampire Count in times of war. They are numberless and know no fear. They follow orders without question or emotion. They are a must for filling the ranks of your army. The Grave Guards, the best of the Skeletons, are less numerous, but still deadly. They are a match for an experienced Empire State Soldier, and like their weaker cousins, they know no fear.
These shambling masses of decayed flesh are a ghastly site to uphold. They march with undying hunger for the living's flesh. In game, they make excellent cannon fodder and shields for your more valuable units such as the Vampires.
High Elves
The High Elves are mighty, yet fragile, warriors. Centuries of expericence has given them enough skill to match that of the best of the Chaos Champions. But, unlike the undead hordes of Sylvannia, they lack numbers. They symbolize quality over quantity. They must make every unit count, as there aren't many of them. Their cavalry are some of the best in game, and their Phoenix Guard are top of the line. Even their lowest soldiers, High Elf Spears, are better than most of what the Empire has to offer. But their going to need that if they are to face the Hordes of Chaos.
The Dwarves are a powerful, infantry based, faction. They excel in defense like no other. They can resist the most brutal arrow volleys and whether the largest morale shocks. They have the highest defense ratings in this sub-mod, with the Iron Breakers boasting a rating of 29 defense. But all of this armor comes at a price. The Dwarven armies are slow and their attack is sub-par (although they can cut through the toughest of armor). They will be a defensive faction, the polar opposite of the impetuous Orc Hordes.
Chaos Dwarves
The Chaos Dwarves are a sub-group of the average Dwarf. They are just as tough, but twice as mean. They aid the Chaos armies in their conquest by providing them with armor and weapons. They may have smaller armies than the Dwarves of Karaz Ankor, but they are just as strong, if not stronger. They have even built the dreaded Hellcannons that can blast down even the toughest walls with one shot. They are rightly feared.
Other hosted sub-mods
Event pictures enhanced by steroid
Beren's Workshop by ~Beren~
Hotseat mod by me (aka The Holy Pilgrim)
Sprites Glorious Sprites by Mr.Man (No longer in use as it is already implemented in version 3)
More Ancillaries 3.0 -update 12.2.2010 by Kahvipannu
Unit pictures enhanced! by steroid
Daemon Prince Minimod for COWv1.31 by FabiusBile
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