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Описание )на английском)

Gotrek's axe (for Gotrek)
Battleaxe imbued with powerful rune magic, having gained this weapon during his first excursion into the northern Chaos Wastes, where he recovered it from the dead son of King Thangrim Firebeard. Gotrek's axe is as powerful as that wielded by the dwarven High King, Thorgrim Grudgebearer. This weapon was the Runemaster's Axe of the lost dwarven fortress of Karag Dum, and supposedly previously belonged to the dwarven deity Grimnir. The elven mage Teclis once read the magical aura of Gotrek, and determined that immense power is flowing from the axe and slowly changing The Slayer into something greater than an ordinary dwarf.
*Sword of Solarius- Long ago, Solarius was a noble knight of the Blazing Sun. After he led the defense of an elven trade caravan enroute to Cathay, he was gifted
this magical sword. It is said that underneath the rays of the sun that this blade cuts through armor as if it was paper, and that no warrior could withstand Solarius's wrath.
The mighty warrior was killed by a goblin during a night raid.
*Badge of Valor- When a soldier shows unsurpassed bravery on the field of battle, there is a chance that he will be selected to recieve this honor. During the ceremony
the elector count(or Emperor if that soldier is from Reikland) will reward this honor, and thus those who wear it are held in high esteem. Many Greatswords have earned this honor and
there is talk of adding this badge as a requirement in becoming a greatsword.
*Holy Vestige of Daranis- Daranis was a brave and pious war priest of Sigmar, who through a number of events became leader of one the wall garrisons during the siege of Praag by Arek Daemonclaw. Alongside the frightened
men who looked to him for courage, Daranis held off scores of marauders, beasts, and even daemons. Only after the first day the forces of Arek Daemonclaw relented for a brief period did he start to lose faith, saying the end was inevitable. At that time he succumbed to wounds that appeared out of nowhere. He is remembered as one of the heroes of Praag, alongside
Gotrek and Felix. While wearing these ancient rags of war, if one has true faith in Sigmar, the rags will be as tough as a full suit of plate armor. Only when one loses faith does the relic becomes what it actually is: a bunch of rags.
*Juggernaut-(Action fighter's description)
Description: Juggernauts are incredibly powerful steeds that are half daemon and half enchanted metal. They hold a great rage that is equal to their masters at least. The charge of a Juggernaut causes the ground itself to tremble.
*Map of the Old World-Any general on the campaign would be wise to have a good informative map of the Old World. In these dark times, a warrior never knows when the next battle will be, not knowing the lay of the land could be fatal indeed.
Master Engineer-A Master Engineer is expert in many fields. He is first and foremost a doughty warrior whose skill alone merits a place of honor in the dwarf throng. In addition, he is a consumate craftsman who can perform any task relating to metal or stone from forging cannon barrels to designing steam engines to drafting the plans for fortifications and mines.
*Knight of the Blazing Sun- Knights of the Blazing Sun are an order of templars devoted to the cult of Myrmidia:Goddess of warfare and protector of civilization. They are well versed in the use of arms and armor, but their true expertise is as tacticians and strategists, and they often serve as military advisers and commanders on the battlefield. Throughout the Empire, countless villages, farms and isolated outposts owe their survival to the timely arrival (and subsequent assumption of command) by a Knight of the Blazing Sun
*Shadow Walker of Nagarythe- Shadow Walkers are veteran Shadow Warriors whose have survive countless raids against the Druchii. There skill with the bow is only surpassed by their wood elf cousins of Athel Loren. They are master scouts, and trackers, and can spot ambushes from miles away. They will aid all who fight the Druchii.
*Masterwork Bandolier-Heavily sought after by gun enthusiasts and nobles from Hochland, a masterwork bandolier is light, durable, and can carry a significantly larger amount of ammo than standard ones. Usually the bests ones are made by dwarfs.
*Warrior Priest of Sigmar-Warrior priests are among the true vanguard of the Empire's armies. Their presence at the forefront of all battle serves as a constant inspiration to the soldiers who march in defense of the Empire. They are not true warriors in the classical sense, but the Warrior Priest stands squarely against the enemy in the front line of battle, for courage is both demanded and rewarded by his patron god, Sigmar.
*The Hat of Ernst Traugott-Once belonging to one of the most ruthless witch hunters of all time(burned thousands of citizens of Altdorf for suspected taint of Chaos), This hat whispers to the wearer of those who have dark thoughts, and lets the wearer percieve the aura of a person, to see if one has been using dark magic. Unfortuately, everyone has stray thoughts that they don't even know their thinking, and to the wearer of the hat, everyone is a heretic. Only those with the strongest of will are able to keep there sanity.
*Witch Hunters-Witch Hunters are grim individuals from The Empire who have dedicated themselves to eradicating the forces of Chaos, either in the service of the state or the Church of Sigmar. Their dedication is such that they will travel far indeed if they think they can strike a meaningful blow against the forces of evil. Witch Hunters tend to be a surly and suspicious lot with no qualms about killing innocents, so long as they also manage to slay the guilty, which means their appearance is often regarded with dread by the common folk. The official name for the body which controls and coordinates the activities of sanctioned Witch Hunters is the Holy Order of the Templars of Sigmar, also known as the Order of Sigmar.
*Ezekiel's Cloak of Brilliance-Ezekiel Mauro was a quiet and stoic Knight of the Blazing Sun. It is said that the soldiers that followed him would fight for him even if victory was impossible. His men always fought as if they had just heard a heroic, rallying speech but it is fact that the Ezekiel rarely spoke, and never did on the eve of battle. It is said he wore cloak that dazzled and shone with fiery brilliance.
Prototype gun
Cloak of Twilight-Imbued with the darkness of a moonless night this cloak allows the wearer to move rapidly and unseen.
*Witchbrew-Witchbrew is distilled from blood by the Hag Queens. It drives the drinker into such an ecstasy of destruction that they will fight on against impossible odds.
*Mountain Armour of Karak Ungor
Before the fall of Karak Ungor, this armor was worn by the King of Karak Ungor during battle. It is unique amongst dwarf craftmanship and has not been replicated since. The armor itself is made out of solid stone, the powerful runes it has makes it light but also near impenetrable.
*Faction Empire
*Hp potion-use same description, just differen picture with empire flavor.
The steeds of the Asur are touched by beneficial magics, and fed on the long grasses of the steppes of Ellyrion, a land of gentle summers and mild winters, where herds of Elven Steeds thunder across the sweeping plains. Elven steeds are the swiftest and most noble of four-legged beasts. Fast as the wind and loyal unto death, they are the perfect mount for Elf nobility.
*Luther Huss-Luthor Huss was born in a small peaceful Imperial village, however he was soon orphaned by a Chaos raid. While the raiders were driven away from the village, both of his parents had been killed and the rest of the villagers decided to give young boy to the Church of Sigmar. Luthor is well known for rebelling against the Church of Sigmar, believing they are corrupt and no long interested in fighting Chaos, and for being a supporter of Valten.
*Armour of Living Death-It is claimed that anyone wearing this armour cannot die, sustained by it's magical energy. Unfortunately, they cannot remove the armour and are driven insane by it's magic.
*Great book of grudges- The High Kings have kept the Great Book of Grudges for generations, the oldest and most important of the many throughout the Dwarf lands. Sometimes known as Dammaz Kron, the book recounts all wrongs and treachery perpetrated against Dwarves since the dawn of time. It is always written in the blood of the High Kings, and only the High King can write in it. Occasionally, the Dwarfs have the opportunity to set a wrong right, in which case the High King has the satisfaction of striking out the record in the book. This hardly ever happens though, as Dwarfs much prefer to hold a grudge forever. Even crossed out grudges can still be read and are never forgotten, but fondly recalled together with the story of how vengeance was finally exacted. It is also interesting to note, that the Dwarf language has no word for forgiveness, but many subtle variations on revenge, recompense and retribution.
* Cold Ones are an ancient race of green-skinned reptiles that are the favored mounts of Druchii nobles. Their cold flesh is almost immune to pain and their bodies exude a toxic slime.
*Honakinn Hammer-Powerful runehammer that used to belong to one the rich dwarf merchant clans of Barak Varr, This weapon was lost in the darkness of the once great hold of Karak Varn.
*Rune Hammer of Kadrin Redmane- Kadrin Redmane, Dwarf Runelord of Karak Varn, was killed beside the shore of Black Water after being ambushed, leading a mule train to the High King. His last act was to throw his powerful runehammer far out into the Black Water to stop it from being used by the enemy.
*Rune Axe of Karak Varn: The runeaxe of Karak Varn was found in the ruins of Karak Varn in the dead hands of the last ruler of Karak Varn, King Ulfgan. His closest living relative Uthor Algrimson retrieved the axe and returned a few months later with a small force of 300 dwarfs to wipe the orcs, goblins, and skaven that infested the hold. His attempt was unsuccessful as his men became cut off and killed until only a handful remained. Realizing he was doomed, Uthor led his men to break the dam of Karak Varn and let the river kill all who remained in the hold, including the dwarfs themselves. They were successful and somehow Uthor and two others survived. Unfortunately the niece had hidden amongst the warriors and joined them on their quest, and she was on the dwarfs who died once the river was unleashed onto the hold. Mad with grief, the High King banished Uthor and his two surviving comrades. With the shame of failing to reclaim *Karak Varn and allowing a member of the royal family to be killed in the process, Uthor and his men took the slayer oath. Uthor became a well known slayer in his time, slaying several monsters with the powerful rune axe of Karak Varn.
Faction High Elves
The steeds of the Asur are touched by beneficial magics, and fed on the long grasses of the steppes of Ellyrion, a land of gentle summers and mild winters, where herds of Elven Steeds thunder across the sweeping plains. Elven steeds are the swiftest and most noble of four-legged beasts. Fast as the wind and loyal unto death, they are the perfect mount for Elf nobility.
*Hammer of Judgment- This mighty hammer is said to have been carried into battle by Frederick the Bold, great-grandfather of current Emperor Karl Franz. It's mighty strikes not ony crush flesh and bone, but evil spirits are cast to ruin as well.
*Armor of Tarnus- This armor was worn by the warrior wizard Frederick Von Tarnus. Such was the power invested in the armor’s forging that von Tarnus' own magic was unaffected by it's protection.
Felix Jaeger
Felix Jaeger is Gotrek's reluctant companion and "Rememberer". After Gotrek saved Felix from being killed in the Window Tax Riots in Altdorf, Felix, in a drunken stupor, swore a blood-oath to record Gotrek's doom so that his honor could be maintained and to let him be remembered by the world. A blood-oath was the gravest one a dwarf could make, and so Felix was compelled to travel with Gotrek. Over years of following Gotrek, Felix has become an accomplished swordsman and duelist.
Empire Longsword-Forged by dwarf citizens of Altdorf, high quality swords like this one are what many a noble would pay a ransom to have in their armory.
Honor of Sigmar-This badge is given to nobles who have participated and completed a righteous mission given from the Grand Theogonist himself. These are rarely awarded, such is the danger of the missions given. The warriors who were rewarded with this honour are the ones who survived the horrors of Praag, The Battle at Hel Fenn, and the Battle of Black Fire Pass.
Officer's Longsword- These swords are only given to those who were captains of a swordsmen regiment. It is finely balanced,
and lighter than one would suspect.
Factions Chaos
Dagger of Eternal Rage- Assassins who do the bidding of the Dark Gods particulary favor this type of dagger. Once the dagger draws the target's blood, the unending rage of Khorne enters the person's mind, and they go completely berserk, killing all who come near him until the ones he once called friends will be forced to kill him. The followers of chaos love nothing more than to see their enemies tear themselves apart.
Faction Dark Elves
Serpent Banner of Rindhor- Rindhor was of the first, and most ruthless of Druchii corsairs. His insignia, the golden serpent, caused so much fear in the port citys and towns that when someone caught sight of his banner, there were no defenders. Every man woman and child were holed up in there homes, with their most valuable belongings in front of the door. What the silly humans never understood was that Rindhor, and none of the famous corsairs after him came for their riches. They came for the people themselves, to take back to Naggaroth to sell, which would pay more than the paltry belongings of the new slaves could ever amount to.
Faction High Elves
Swordmaster's Book of Meditation-To perform the incredible feats of sword mastery the Swordmasters perform, they spend a large amount of time meditating, forging mind, body, and soul into one powerful weapon. This book contains the meditation techniques that the Swordmasters use regulary.
Faction High Elves
Spellweaved Cloak-These cloaks are weaved and worn by mages from the tower of Hoeth. These magic cloaks protects the wearer from missiles and more powerful cloaks can even protect against enemy spells. These cloaks are sometimes given as rewards to deserving generals of Ulthuan.
Faction Empire
Assasin's Pistol-Hochland is also famous for its gunsmiths. While the foundries of Nuln churn out handguns and pistols of functional but unremarkable quality, the master-gunmakers of Hochland create unique and very expensive weaponry for the nobility. This pistol is unique in that it has been made make barely a sound when fired, and the bullets dissolve into a quick acting poison to kill the victim.
Faction Dark Elves
Venom Sword- The Venom Sword is quenched in the poison of a thousand malicious serpents. When it strikes mystical poisons flow into the veins of the victim.
Faction Dark Elves
Sword of Ruin-This magical sword can cleave through armour as if it was air.
Faction Dark Elves
Dread Banner-Such is the supernatural fear instilled by the visage of the Bloody Handed God upon this standard that few dare to even look at it.
Faction Dark Elves
Heartseeker-The Heartseeker has the uncanny ability to find the heart of a living thing. Dark Elves delight in it's ability to destroy the lifeforce of a living thing.
Faction Dwarves
Dwarf Ale-Dwarf Ale is the finest in the world, and many tavern owners pay hefty fees to get that ale to their customers. The highest honor ale brewed by humans was a "not bad".
Faction Dwarves
Bugman's XXXXXX
There are many famous Dwarf Ales, and many renowned brewers, but the name of Josef Bugman stands as a paragon of quality. Bugman's XXXXXX is said to be his finest product. It is said that any Dwarf drinking this ale will be reminded of the glories of the past, refreshed and restored.
Faction Orcs
Orc Head- Bosses sometimes keep the head of the former boss around to show the boyz you used to be the "Biggest and da Baddest" and who is now.
Faction Dwarves
Runesmith-The ancient guild of runesmiths is one of the oldest and most respected institutions in all the Dwarf realms. All runesmiths are related in some, often very remote, fashion. Each carries on his family's traditions of arcane study, learning the ancient craftmanship of working metal and magic into mighty runes of power. Although some other races make magic items of great potency, Runesmiths are masters of the art.
Paymaster- The paymaster is the keeper of the army’s pay chest, and that makes him a very popular fellow. They also usually expert leaders of men, roguish and often loved by their soldiers. As being manager's of the mercenary money, they know what loot is valuable and what isn’t.
*Urskin (for Boris)
*Boris went into the forests to tame a bear. He was not heard from for 18 days and preparations began to put his daughter on the throne, but search parties found his body being protected by a great white bear. The bear would not allow them past until Boris awoke, wounds still bleeding from vicious attacks by wolves. It is said he found and confronted this beast, before being attacked by wolves. They worked together to beat off the wolves, but Boris was badly wounded in the process. Urskin noticed this and protected Boris until he was rescued. From then on, the bear was at his side at all time, and Boris rode him into battle, making use of the viciousness of his talons and claws.
Armour of Ursun (for Boris)
Forged in the spring Equinox, one of the boliest days of Cult of Ursun, the powdered bones of a score of the mightiest bears were mixed with the steel of the armor before it was quenched in the finest mead. This suit of armor is imbued with the power and might of Ursun himself, and those who wear it feels it’s power coursing through theyr veins.
Maggot (for Ruglund)
*Maggot the Goblin, accompanies Ruglud wherever he goes, acting as his standard bearer. He has survived countless battles and is regarded as lucky mascot. Hes presence encourages the Orcs to fight all the more fiercely.
Dwarf Trinket (for Badruk)
*Of the many trophies Badruk has taken from the Dwarfs over the years, this bauble is his favorite. He hasn’t any idea how it works, but there’s something appealing about the way it glints and sparkles, and he thinks it’s lucky. Certainly he has survived a lot of really dangerous fights while wearing it.
Faction Dark Elves
Sorceress-Chief among the magic users of the Druchii are the 'sisters' of the Dark Convent of Sorceresses, who are gathered at the fortress of Ghrond. Competition for positions in the Dark Convent are bloody and fierce, and only the most powerful and ruthless Sorceresses survive the initiations. Those that succeed learn some of the most powerful magic in the world.
Faction Averland
Franz Vogel-Once just a captain of a Greatswords regiment, Franz Vogel world changed when led an effort to regroup the army of Averland after a crushing defeat against an army of Chaos. Alongside a ragtag band of heroes he led the enemy into a small pass that would not allow their numbers to overwhelm their small group. His men held the pass up long enough for the Elector Count of Wissenland to muster his forces and destroy the forces of Chaos with a massive barrage of cannon blasts and gun shots. Vogel was lauded a hero, and now is the personal champion of the Elector Count Marius Leitdorf.
Faction Empire
Balthasar Gelt is the Supreme Patriarch of the Colleges of Magic. After defeating Thyrus Gormann of the Bright Order in an epic duel, Balthasar of the Gold Order became the supreme patriarch, replacing the prominance of fire with that of metal. Since that day, the new supreme patriarch, riding a pegasus surrounded by a golden halo, has appeared on many battlefields, where the Emperor's soldiers are fighting. Now the Winds of Magic blow strongly for the Gold College as their fortunes are once again on the rise.
Faction Empire
Bright Wizard-The Bright Wizard is a master of destruction by magic and a specialist in fire. Fire is at the heart of his every ability, and indeed at the heart of the Wizard himself. Using the power of the wind of fire, he can lay waste to swaths of enemies, or incinerate select foes with white hot energy. His magic feeds upon itself, upon the enemy, and upon the Wizard. Embracing the fires within his mind, the Bright Wizard himself is engulfed in flame. He directs this inferno against his foes, filling them with searing power until they burst, incinerated by arcane flames so hot they threaten to ignite the air itself. Hailing from the Bright College of Magic, they tap into the red wind of magic called Aqshy to wield their fiery powers.
New picture for Hammer-Axe of Skoll (Ar-Ulrics Hammer)
I believe there's them all
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