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Вроде такие юниты есть у Кислева
Ice Witch
Hag Witch
Bear Tamer (медведь ручной - видимо как собаки из RTW)
Bear rider (
Kislev Ice Queen (магия)
Tsar Boris of Kislev on Bear (наездник на медведе с нагинатой)
KISLEV BOYAR (двуручный топор)
Mid-ranking officers from the
Kislevite army are called Boyars. As
representatives of the Tzarina, their
presence can bolster the discipline of
Kislevite troops around them, and they
act as liaison to friendly generals when
Kislev and her allies fight together.
KOSSARS (лук и двуручный топор)
The Kossars were an Ungol tribe who
worked as mercenaries against the other
Ungols at the time of the Gospodar
invasion. They had adopted a very
unique style of fighting with bow and
axe, which they then went on to teach
the Gospodar warriors. Nowadays,
Kossar regiments are a combined force
of Ungol and Gospodar soldiers, trained
and kept by the Tzarina as a standing
Kislevite force. They are well drilled,
able to attack at range with their bows,
and meet the enemy at close quarters
with their great axes.
WINGED LANCERS (длинное копье, меч/булава)
The mainstay of the Kislev cavalry are
the Winged Lancers, who can trace their
lineage back to the original Gospodar
knights who rode from the east. They
are so named for the large feathered
wings they wear on their backs, which
emit a shrill screaming noise when they
GRYPHON LEGION (длинное копье, меч/булава)
The most famed regiment of Winged
Lancers are the Gryphon Legion. Born
to the highest ranking nobles, these
knights travel far and wide and operate
as mercenaries when not called to battle
by the Tzarina herself. The regiment was
founded in 286 (IC1810) as the
bodyguard of Tzar Gospodar IV. They
became semi-independent after an
expedition into the Worlds Edge
Mountains in 293 (IC1817) that
encountered a great many beasts of
Chaos. Their commander at the time,
Vladic Dostov, slew a Griffon singlehandedly
and kept its body as a prize.
From then on, they took the name
Gryphon Legion and have always worn
wings made from Griffon feathers upon
their backs.
The Gryphon Legion spends most of its
time fighting for wealthier nobles in the
Empire, but is sworn to respond to the
call if the Tzar or Tzarina commands.
This is unusual, however, as most
threats can be dealt with by the regular
Winged Lancers and Horse Archers.
These mounted warriors are auxiliaries
drafted in from the savage northern
tribes of Kislev. They are fierce warriors,
but lack the discipline of the regular
army. Trained to loose arrows from the
saddle from an early age, they are the
best Human fast cavalry in the Old
World. They delight in running rings
around their opponents, peppering
them with arrows and dodging away
before the enemy can retaliate. They
wear little or no armour and carry
swords, yet make up in numbers what
they lack in terms of equipment.
Сообщение отредактировал isilendil: 06 Февраль 2008 - 13:58