Every army, fleet, or agent can reveal information about rival armies, fleets and settlements in their immediate proximity or within their line of sight. The level of detail revealed depends on the type of character who is spying, so, for instance, ninja are able to reveal far more information than monks or missionaries.
Ninja and geisha are able to assassinate generals and rival agents. Simply select your agent and right-click on your chosen target. If using a ninja, select assassination from the options presented to you. A panel will appear stating the chances of success. If you decide to go ahead with the mission your agent will pursue the target and attempt to kill them. However, bear in mind that there is a chance of detection, capture or execution - as is the case in all espionage situations.
Ninja are able to damage enemy buildings through acts of sabotage. Simply select your ninja, right-click on a settlement and select sabotage from the options presented to you. If your target is a castle town, a panel will appear showing a list of buildings and the chances of success. If you decide to go ahead with the mission select a building - your ninja will then move there and attempt to damage it upon his arrival. However, bear in mind that there is a chance of detection, capture or execution - as is the case in all espionage situations.
Army Sabotage
Ninja are able to sabotage rival armies, affecting their ability to move during a turn and causing casualties as he subtly poisons their food and water supply. Simply select your ninja, right-click on an army and select army sabotage from the options presented to you. A panel will appear stating the chances of success. If you decide to go ahead with the mission your ninja will pursue the target and attempt to undermine their movements. However, bear in mind that there is a chance of detection, capture or execution - as is the case in all espionage situations.
A ninja placed inside a friendly army can increase their movement ability and prevent enemy monks or missionaries from demoralising them.
Metsuke are able to bribe rival generals, their armies and the garrisons of castle towns to switch allegiances to support your own clan. Simply select your metsuke, right-click on the target army or garrison and select bribery from the options presented to you. A panel will appear stating the chances of success. If you decide to go ahead with the mission your metsuke will pursue the target and attempt to bribe them. A general who has been successfully bribed will form a new army with those troops who have decided to follow him (which may not be all of them) and begin moving towards your territory. He will also lose loyalty, as befits one who will betray his own so easily. If one of your generals is bribed, his family will be expelled from your clan and will disappear from the family tree. Bribery of a garrison has to be completely successful for its province to change allegiance, otherwise the bribed units will leave the castle town and begin moving towards your territory in the same way as units from an army bribed in the field. Where a castle town does not have a garrison, a successful bribe will cause the entire province to change allegiance to your clan. To bribe, simply select your metsuke, right-click on your chosen target and select bribe from the options presented to you.
The presence of metsuke within an army or castle town will increase the chances of detecting enemy ninja and reduce the chances that they will succeed in their dishonourable tasks. Metsuke also increase repression and tax income when in castle towns, and loyalty when inside armies.
Just having metsuke present somewhere in your territory will increase the chances that enemy ninja will be detected.
Metsuke can be ordered to hunt down, capture and try enemy agents in your territory. Although there is a chance the perpetrator will be executed, it is more likely they will be imprisoned and then returned to their clan capital at a later time. Monks, missionaries and indeed other metsuke are much harder to apprehend than other agents. To try a character simply select your metsuke, right-click on your target agent and select trial from the options presented to you.