Exploration of Provinces
To begin exploring the avatar conquest map, simply drag your army or fleet marker to a province that you wish to explore. Note that you can only place your army on a land province and your fleet on a sea province, and these must be adjacent to a land or sea province you have already explored. You can now find an equally-matched opponent via the match-made battle button. You can choose to fight a 1-on-1 battle or participate in a team battle. Selecting a sea battle type will mean that you are fighting to explore the sea region your fleet currently occupies, whereas land and siege battle types will take place wherever your army marker has been placed. The battle list button allows you to search for or host custom battles, although these are commonly less well-matched than match made battles and don’t contribute toward your skill rating. Fighting and winning a battle in a selected province will mean that your avatar has explored this province and gained access to any retainers or buildings situated there. As sea regions always border several provinces, their capture greatly widens the choice when planning your next conquest.