В лог файле ничего особенного кроме ошибок связанных с descr_strat
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13:11:29.940 [system.rpt] [always] CPU: SSE2
13:11:29.940 [system.rpt] [always] ==== system log start, build date: Apr 23 2007 version bld-medieval2-update2-84 (37970) ===
13:11:29.940 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_0.pack
13:11:29.940 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_1.pack
13:11:29.940 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_2.pack
13:11:29.940 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_3.pack
13:11:29.940 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/data_4.pack
13:11:29.940 [system.io] [always] mounted pack packs/localized.pack
13:11:41.434 [game.script] [error] Condition parsing error in spicciolati/data/export_descr_character_traits.txt, at line 16049, column 49
trigger not found
13:12:00.318 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 624, column 32
resource timber positioned on 251,260 which is an invalid tile.
13:12:00.332 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 2779, column 12
You have chosen an invalid tile(266, 251) for the settlement of CASTELDISANGRO.
It will mean not being able to reach this settlement and is a bug.
For now we'll ignore it.
13:12:00.336 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 3072, column 1
The character record Margherita is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.340 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 3448, column 1
The child character record Giuliano De' Medici has no father and will be ommited from the game. THey need to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.398 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 10015, column 1
The character record Lucia Terzani da Marsciano is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.400 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 10849, column 12
You have chosen an invalid tile(251, 238) for the settlement of PONTECORVO.
It will mean not being able to reach this settlement and is a bug.
For now we'll ignore it.
13:12:00.405 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The character record Ginevra d'Este is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.405 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The child character record Oddantonio II da Montefeltro has no father and will be ommited from the game. THey need to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.405 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The child character record Galeotto Manfredi has no father and will be ommited from the game. THey need to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.405 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The child character record Carlo II Manfredi has no father and will be ommited from the game. THey need to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.405 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The child character record Pino III Ordelaffi has no father and will be ommited from the game. THey need to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.405 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The child character record Francesco IV Ordelaffi has no father and will be ommited from the game. THey need to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.406 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The character record Antonia da Barignano is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.406 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The character record Caterina Colonna is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.406 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The character record Giovanna da Barbiano is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.406 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The character record Maria di Imola is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.406 [script.err] [error] Script Error in spicciolati/data/world/maps/campaign/custom/italia/descr_strat.txt, at line 11086, column 1
The character record Caterina Rangoni is neither married, nor has a father and will be ommited from the game. She needs to be defined as a relative
13:12:00.710 [system.rpt] [error] Medieval 2: Total War encountered an unspecified error and will now exit.
Т.е. с этими же данными кампания запустилась однажды,потом через какое то время при выборе фракций и начале игры на страт карте вылет без определения ошибки. При выборе любой фракции в меню кампаний стабильный выход в систему.
Перепробованы все в общем то рецепты. И 1.2 патч есть, и англоверсия лиценз.копии, патч 8.1 на все spiccolatti. merkatoры и vechchiomondы..