Список включенных модов:

2nd Swiss Regiment added - Toontotalwar/Lordmongsworth
4 Added Battle Maps - Bastienleboss
32 Faction unlocker - From Heartbreaker, with some changes by me
Added 3 Skins Green Jackets, Sharpes Rifles and British Infantry - Toontotalwar/Legofingers
Additional Custom Battle maps (updated) - Baron Von Beer
Atmospheric sounds - Lochkopf
Austrian hats mod Version 4 - Emperorbatman999
Austrian unit pack - General Cornwallis
Bast portrait 1.1 - Bastienleboss
Batavian unit updates - Gill
Bavarians Skins - Doombunny
Brig Grahams Artillery mod Version 4
British Naval Crew mod - Sir Chicken Caesar Salad
British Skins - Doombunny
British hats mod Version 4 - EmperorBatman999
British units in Scarlet Dawn mod - Toontotalwar
Commodore & Admiral texture updates - JFC
Denmark-Norway Mod Version 1.2 - Iutland
Denmark skins - Doombunny
Diverse Artillery Mod 1.6 - Iutland
Drum "cadence" mod - Brigadier Graham
Drum Retexture - gary
Drum and Bugle mod - Brigadier Graham
Duplicate Ship units removed - Aanker
Explosions Mod - Williehuntz
Fixed CTD problem related to sound - ToonTotalWar/Gary
Flags mod 2.0 - JFC
Flute sounds back in game!! - Brigadier Graham
French Italian Campaign textures - Lordmongsworth
French Retextures - Lord Mongsworth
French Retextures V2 - Lordmongsworth
French textures V3 - Lordmongsworth
Fдderneslandet Sweden Mod - Prolurker
Great Coats and Bicorn Mod - Marshall Beale
Hispania Mod - Scorpionet
Horse retexture - Toontotalwar
Howitzer e Cheval - Klesh
Irish Skins - Doombunny
Josst grass mod - Josst
King Portrait - JFC
Kingdom of Italy Retextures - Doombunny
Latest DLC unit stats changed - ToonTotalWar
Many unlocked units for various factions - Heartbraker
Missing Units mod - husserlTW
Modified deployment zones Version 3 - Baron Von Beer
More Blood - ToonTotalWar
Musket & Cannon sounds - elements from Radious and Lochkopf
Muzzle Flashes fixed so that they appear again! - ToonTotalWar/Williehuntz
Naples Retextures - Doombunny
Napoleonic Total Music Mod Version 3.0 - Brigadier Graham
Napoleons Portrait Icon and Info Cards - EmperorLucky/JFC
Napoleons Waterloo Battle texture fix - ToonTotalwar
Naval Supremacy mod 1.1 (without Starpos) - Iutland
New Screens - USTAS
No tracers - ToonTotalWar
PIP screen - Dynamo11
Prussian Skins - Doombunny
Radious Units mod (General Uxbridge, Italian Vйlite Grenadiers, Italian Guards of Honour) - Radious
Reduced XP mod - Sir Chicken Ceasar
Removal of Flags On Reinforcements mod - Josst
Rise of the Black Eagle 2 - General Cornwallis
Russian Textures corrected (Lordmongsowrth Russian textures removed temporary) - Toontotalwar
Russian Vanilla Retextures - ToonTotalWar/Lord Mongsworth
Saxony Skins - Doombunny
Scarlet Dawn 2: British unit pack - General Cornwallis
Scots units - Doombunny
Ship hull textures - Sharpe
Slower Movement - Johan217
Sweden Retextures - Meneros
Texture fixes for various units - ToonTotalWar
Ultimate Soundmod V2 - Lochkopf
Wellington Portrait Icon and Info Cards (Custom battle and Campaign) - JFC
Wurttemberg skins - Doombunny
Yeomanry Mod - EmperorBatman999
JFC Flags 2.1 - JFC
Ottoman Mod 3.5 - md1453 & BlackMailedAgain
AI/CAI Changes
Russian units attributes and unit size changed - gary
Tighter Formations - ToonTotalWar
Removed all duplicate units
Infantry AI Improved (longer battles) - Toontotalwar/gary
Grenades Disabled - ToonTotalwar
Most Muskets have range of 110 now - Toontotalwar
Light Infantry unit sizes similar to line, and form square now, and some other basic tweaks to Skirmishers unit sizes - gary
New unit sizes based of TAR mod - Toontotalwar
Generals damage increased (lots of you complained on superhuman generals!!)
Added Campaign AI files - ToonTotalWar/Dogmeat
Buildings Costs and time to recruit reduced - gary
Technology recruitment time reduced - ToonTotalwar
Линейная = 220
Кавалерия = 90
Гренадеры = 190
Застрельщики = 120
Милиция = 220
Легкая пехота = 190
Драгуны = 100
Артиллерия = 2,4,6 и 8 пушки
Обзор мода на нашем форуме
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Лидер проекта : ToonTotalWar