Замечательная работа автора
Pdguru, которая акцентирована в основном на армии Наполеона. В модификации представлен пожалуй самый шикарный по исторической проработке и обьёму взгляд на армию великого завоевателя. Широкий спектр именных полков Наполеона, союзных полков армий других государств Европы, новые вид лошадей, блеск артиллерии и холодного оружия и значков, эполет, обмундирования и кокард с киверами, шлемами и кирасами, музыки со звуками, и прочим другим. Даже есть пара новых альтернативных варианта модельки Наполеона, на любой вкус. В паке мода есть и батальные и стратегические знамёна и стяги. Вывод прост, разработка просто обязательно требует к себе внимания поклонников этой эпохи.
Список изменений довольно не малый (пока на англ.яз):
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NOTES on New Features on Release 10-3:
1. New sounds - musket balls will whizz by your ears, and the impact of hits on the soldiers will render appropriate sounds, rather than the wailing banshees of vanilla. See here for video:
2. My European Equipment Mod with new brass drum, tricolor wrapped brass bugle.
3. Eagles on the flagpole for appropriate infantry units (many thanks to Bart07 for this new addition).
4. 2 completely new Hussar units, one "elite" with higher stats.
5.A quality, rousing Version of La Marseilles for Main Menu music - this is a French mod after all.
6. My original "Grouchymod" which replaces the in-battle music with the sound of distant guns and fighting; much more atmospheric - that looping music drove me crazy!.
7. Completely revised French artillery pieces with more realistic wood - previously illustrated but not yet released (these are new and not the ones in my separatemod).
8. Vanilla Line Infantry have the Campaign uniforms (separate veteran/campaign unit is recruitable as more skilled/experienced).
9.New saddlecloth for the hussar horses (in addition to the more realsitic horses from the previous release).
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Units in the pack:
Campaign Fusiliers: Full of vieriety and miore realistic-looking field garb - expereinced and more skilled fusiliers. Please note that fusiliers from vanilla or other mods using the vanilla unit name will automaticaly adopt these uniforms too.
Voltiguer-Chassuer Imperial Guard
German Deserter Regiment
14th Legere
Regiment "Preussen"
Conscript-Grenadier Imperial Guard
Fusilier-Grenadiers Imperial Guard
Chasseurs de Ile de France
Regiment Frankfurt
Naples 2nd Chasseurs
110e Regiment Fusiliers (Projected Uniform)
Walcheren Regiment (Spain)
Wuttemberg Guard Grenadiers
Wuttemberg Guard Jagers
Batallion de Chasseurs de Flessingue
"Waterloo" Middle Guard
Naples Departmental
Marine (not Guard) Infantry (re-released)
24th Equipage (re-released)
Italian Grendiers, Imperial Guard
Combined Grenadier Companies (early)
Combined Grenadier Companies (late)
Spanish Grenadiers Princesse Ancien
Volunteer Regiment/Early Fusiliers
Conscript Regiment
Leggiero Toscano (later 113e)
Naples Marines
Naples Veterans of the Guard
Naples Securite Regiment
Legere Carabiniers
Gendarmes of the Imperial Guard
Old Guard Grenadier Reserve
131e 'Voltaggieri'
"Peninsular" Fusiliers
Carabinier Heavy Cavalry Regiment
Cuirassier Heavy Cavalry Regiment
New Napoleon and Staff
New French Departmental Regiment
New Foot Dragoons Unit
New Dragoon Cavalry Regiment
New Sappers Unit (100 men combined from regiments into a small but strong assault unit)
New Grenadiers a Cheval Regiment
New Imperial Guard Gendarmes Cavalry Regiment
Hussar Regiment (based on uniform of 1st Regiment)
Hussar 'Elite' Regiment (based on uniform of 12th Regiment)
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Основной пак, текст файлы и user.script
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Для битв и кампаний Pdguru_Flags_vlate2 мод и Colonne d'Attaque.
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Внимание! Мод совместим с глобальным модом LME .
Тема на TWC
P.S. Особая просьба обратить внимание на мод переводчиков. Текст файл с именами отрядов по словам автора находится в файле Пака
Сообщение отредактировал SHREDDER: 25 Февраль 2013 - 11:35