Mountains throughout the map have been remade, using realistic ridge based terrain and advanced Erosion and weathering.
Erosion has been applied throughout the entire map, smoothing hills and terrain and creating better transitions and less battle-map generation issues.
Detail has been added throughout the entire heightmap, creating a more 3D terrain.
Forodwaith has been remade with a new design, a lower snow line and new textures.
Nurn has been revamped, with the Plain of Lithlad extending into eastern Nurn, the southern area made accessable and a new texture throughout the area.
Use of the hill texture is now revamped throughout the map.
Rivers have been added in Enedwaith, Minhiriath and Lindon, as well as the River Morgulduin in Ithilien.
Sea colours transitions have been smoothed and sailable rivers darkened.
Ithilien has been remade, with the Emyn Arnen in its correct position. (not a large Plateau).
Mumakil training has been revamped. Now the building to create Mumakil is available from the start, but in one province only (bottom Harad region, after building roads). The idea is a transport network to take them to Middle-earth from the far southern jungles of Far Harad. The building will have to be constructed, which is expensive and takes time.
Population has been overhauled. Settlements are now at realistic population levels (especially for Eriador). Mines now give a basic population bonus to all factions instead of just Dwarves (Dwarves do get better bonuses as the mine is upgraded) and the first three tiers of farm are available at lower settlement levels. Osgiliath is now at ~20 population, but only needs 3000 to upgrade (instead of 28000!!!). Also, the city and large_city tiers need less population to upgrade to.
Eregion and the method of getting Elven smiths has been improved. It now starts at City level, which allows the population of the city to be lowered to realistic levels. It also allows the Smiths building to be built right from the start. To balance this, rebuilding the Gwaith i Mirdain is now considerably more expensive and takes longer to build.
All Custom Settlements models are visible on the campaign map from the start, to create a sense of belonging for these settlements (naturally part of the world).
A forts and some watchtowers have been added to Dorwinion.
The Sail into the West component has been fixed, with a missing trait added, the ability to train the ships added and the description of the ship added.
Goblin Volunteers have been repaired, with missing textures and UI fixed.
Economy has been rebalanced for all factions, with new mines in Erebor and revamped King's Purse for all factions. Generally there is less money to spend for a tougher campaign.
Erebor bridge is now accessable by siege units.
Erebor now uses an optimized version of the Unofficial Patch campaign map model.
Dol Guldur now has proper terrain textures.
Mordor textures have been revamped, to be darker and gritty.
Mordor distant terrain colours on the battle-map have been synced.
Fixed seasons out of sync with the year.
Turns are instead displayed as years (turns are available in the Faction Overview panel).
Fixed Isengard Last Stand script activating on turn 1.
Reduced the size of the Cirith Ungol model.
Fixed misplaced banner on Goblin town model.
Rammas Echor model repaired, with synced Gates to Roads and no wall gaps/glitches/rotation issues.
Gundabad model heightened and lowered into the ground for better blending.
Fixed Ithilien being unable to upgrade.
Fennas Drunin can no longer be upgraded.
Gondorian archictecure is now used throughout former Arnor settlements..
Annuminas and Fornost are now high level settlements with low population.
A fog effect now surrounds the map, making the transition to the edge of the map less jarring.
Dain's Halls and Zagh Kala can no longer build towers (didn't appear in the custom settlements).
Cair Andros now has no building restrictions.
Edhellond now has its own Green Book entry.
The text relating to the old Garrison Script in the Green Book's has been removed.
The radar map background image blends better with the radar map.
New events for Severe and Mild winter.
Mountains throughout the map have been remade, using realistic ridge based terrain and advanced Erosion and weathering.
Erosion has been applied throughout the entire map, smoothing hills and terrain and creating better transitions and less battle-map generation issues.
Detail has been added throughout the entire heightmap, creating a more 3D terrain.
Forodwaith has been remade with a new design, a lower snow line and new textures.
Nurn has been revamped, with the Plain of Lithlad extending into eastern Nurn, the southern area made accessable and a new texture throughout the area.
Use of the hill texture is now revamped throughout the map.
Rivers have been added in Enedwaith, Minhiriath and Lindon, as well as the River Morgulduin in Ithilien.
Sea colours transitions have been smoothed and sailable rivers darkened.
Ithilien has been remade, with the Emyn Arnen in its correct position. (not a large Plateau).
Mumakil training has been revamped. Now the building to create Mumakil is available from the start, but in one province only (bottom Harad region, after building roads). The idea is a transport network to take them to Middle-earth from the far southern jungles of Far Harad. The building will have to be constructed, which is expensive and takes time.
Population has been overhauled. Settlements are now at realistic population levels (especially for Eriador). Mines now give a basic population bonus to all factions instead of just Dwarves (Dwarves do get better bonuses as the mine is upgraded) and the first three tiers of farm are available at lower settlement levels. Osgiliath is now at ~20 population, but only needs 3000 to upgrade (instead of 28000!!!). Also, the city and large_city tiers need less population to upgrade to.
Eregion and the method of getting Elven smiths has been improved. It now starts at City level, which allows the population of the city to be lowered to realistic levels. It also allows the Smiths building to be built right from the start. To balance this, rebuilding the Gwaith i Mirdain is now considerably more expensive and takes longer to build.
All Custom Settlements models are visible on the campaign map from the start, to create a sense of belonging for these settlements (naturally part of the world).
A forts and some watchtowers have been added to Dorwinion.
The Sail into the West component has been fixed, with a missing trait added, the ability to train the ships added and the description of the ship added.
Goblin Volunteers have been repaired, with missing textures and UI fixed.
Economy has been rebalanced for all factions, with new mines in Erebor and revamped King's Purse for all factions. Generally there is less money to spend for a tougher campaign.
Erebor bridge is now accessable by siege units.
Erebor now uses an optimized version of the Unofficial Patch campaign map model.
Dol Guldur now has proper terrain textures.
Mordor textures have been revamped, to be darker and gritty.
Mordor distant terrain colours on the battle-map have been synced.
Fixed seasons out of sync with the year.
Turns are instead displayed as years (turns are available in the Faction Overview panel).
Fixed Isengard Last Stand script activating on turn 1.
Reduced the size of the Cirith Ungol model.
Fixed misplaced banner on Goblin town model.
Rammas Echor model repaired, with synced Gates to Roads and no wall gaps/glitches/rotation issues.
Gundabad model heightened and lowered into the ground for better blending.
Fixed Ithilien being unable to upgrade.
Fennas Drunin can no longer be upgraded.
Gondorian archictecure is now used throughout former Arnor settlements..
Annuminas and Fornost are now high level settlements with low population.
A fog effect now surrounds the map, making the transition to the edge of the map less jarring.
Dain's Halls and Zagh Kala can no longer build towers (didn't appear in the custom settlements).
Cair Andros now has no building restrictions.
Edhellond now has its own Green Book entry.
The text relating to the old Garrison Script in the Green Book's has been removed.
The radar map background image blends better with the radar map.
New events for Severe and Mild winter.