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Graphics Mod


Graphics Mod

Dozens of changes that affect graphics only - I did not alter anything else pertaining to the game:

Version 1.2b update

updated some of the texel options and made a few corrections within the file.
Version 1.2a update

fixed the shadowing within the base compound and soldiers.

Version 1.2 update

10x data streaming among vertex and particle effects. You should see a noticeable difference in cars and larger objects in the game. Water is more detailed, more movement this is also noticeable in cloths in the game. You need to have at MINIMAL a dedicated video card with 1GB RAM. I'm using a Nvidia GTX 670 with 4GB RAM. My last update for a while - hope you enjoy it.

Version 1.1 update

I overhauled the original textures and shadows - you will definitely see a sizeable difference vice the stock options and version 1.0. I quadrupled the minimal and doubled the maximum texture outputs. I also upped the shadow resolutions throughout - I may update the character shadows as well - was trying not to make them too dominant. I changed the game to use full scene 16x Anisotropic Filtering throughout the entire image, not just key objects. I increased the minimum and maximum full scene shadows as well. Increased minimal and maximum dynamic lighting values. I changed the game to recognize 96 vice 32 channels of audio simultaneously.

Several things within XCOM's BaseEngine file are defaulted for consoles vice optimized for a high end PC.
I changed over two dozen settings mostly pertaining to texture filtering Anisotropic Filtering 16x vice 4x in game, numerous changes to the dynamic shadows and overall lighting, texture sizes to reflect 4096, increased draw distance, enabled FXAA and PostProcessing, Tessellation 64x, LODbias, hardware shadow filtering and physx support for Nvidia based cards among many other changes. Some things to note - the resolution is set at 1920x1080, you can easily change this to your preference in game. There are some things you can't change within this game engine, believe me I've tried: depth of field, force max graphics quality and motion blur will corrupt the overall gameplay graphics. Forcing max graphics quality looks incredible, very detailed, though aliens are missing textures - mostly everything else looks fine. I could have done more though the Unreal 3 Engine in this game is somewhat spartan to a degree. You can also completely edit shadow resolutions, I did this along with more intense dynamic shadows and the game looks almost too dark when boarding a UFO. I think the attached file is a nice balance between shadow quality and overall lighting.

23 Jan 2013
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