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Revamped Xcom Nicknames


Revamped Xcom Nicknames


[UPDATE] If the game patches you'll need to repeat steps 1-4 of installation and trash your old copy as the patches give you a brand new file as opposed to just injecting stuff. Checking on a way to avoid this for people who like to let the game update but no guarantees.


This is my attempt to make the nicknames in Xcom a little more soldiery and varied.
I've added just over 120 nicknames to the list and removed a bunch of the default ones that
felt a bit out of place. As of v1.1 the average amount of nicknames per class is around 200,
not all unique there is overlap, quite a lot, but you shouldn't notice it over the course of
a playthrough. Keep checking back, I plan to keep updating it as long as my brain can pump
out ideas, and feel free to let me know if you have any names you'd like to see added to the list.



v1.1 - Added 41 new unique nicks. Added the full list not in Xcom's format to the download so you can see what names are where a little easier.



1) Make a copy of XComGame.int
2) Open the original and scroll to or ctrl+f to [XGCharacterGenerator]
3) Copy and paste my list in Xcom Nickname List over the list directly under that heading
4) Save and close it
5) Start Xcom
6) Rank a Sergeant
7) Enjoy

This won't override current soldiers nicknames as far as I know, but please let me know if something happens in your game so I can see what's up.

23 Jan 2013
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