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Second Wave


Second Wave

Updated to 1.6
Now includes new profile.bin file that adds in new Second Wave Options. New options will be added to the list below and can also be seen in the new screenshot. Please remember to report any problems with them, if any, so we can find out which ones work , need tweaking, or are just flat out bugged.

Updated to version 1.4
Fixes Marathon mode!! Marathon mode should now be playable without any game unwinnable bugs like before. Also updated the notes on each second wave option to reflect their new status. Blitz mode confirmed to be bugged still. Abductions missions show up on the hologlobe but you can't go to them

Updated to version 1.2
Includes new patcher and profile.bin which goes into your save files so that you can access the second wave options as seen above without beating the game. Plus fixes some bugs if you use this one since it should give you every option that I listed below.

To access the new options you need to first beat the game and then start a new game, you'll notice the options will be there where you pick the difficulty for the game. Or you can use the included profile.bin file and move it over to your save folder which will unlock every single option listed above.

The new options for second wave are:

WORKS Damage Roulette: Weapons have a much wider range of damage
WORKS New Economy: The funding offered by individual council members is randomized
WORKS Not Created Equally: Rookies will have random starting stats
Unverified Hidden Potential: As a soldier is promoted, their stats will increase randomly
BUGGED Red Fog: Any wounds taken in combat will degrade a soldier's stats for that mission
WORKS Absolutely Critical: A flanking shot will guarantee a critical hit
WORKS The Greater Good: The secret of psionics can only be learned by interrogating a psionic alien
WORKS Marathon: The game takes considerably longer to complete THANKS TO BLACKALPHA
Unverified Results Driven: A country will offer less funding as it's panic level increases 
WORKS High Stakes: The rewards granted for stopping alien abductions are randomized
WORKS Diminishing Returns: The cost of satellites increases with every one that is built
BUGGED The Blitz: The aliens will target a larger number of cities every time they launch an abduction attack
WORKS More Than Human: The psionic gift is extremely rare 
Unverified War Weariness: Overall funding levels drop inexorably with every month that passes.
Unverified E-115: Elerium stores will degrade over time. (Going through the files it looks like once a day they will drop by a small amount)
Unverified Total Loss: Lose all gear from soldiers who die in combat
WORKS Alternate Sources: The power requirements of all facilities are increased by x2 (please note that combing this with marathon mode will make your power requirements x4 since marathon mode already doubles everything)
Now once again I can't promise that each and every single one of them works since I haven't tested them all. 
Also included is a optional version that will include the second wave options as well as also including the ability to find and shot down enemy terror / abduction UFO's.


Unzip the file and run patcher.bat. It will edit your exe and make a backup copy of it in your steamapps/common/xcom-enemy-unknown/binaries/win32 Then just run the game via steam like normal or use a steam desktop shortcut. Attempting to run the exe file by it's self will not run the game.

Take the profile.bin file and copy that over to your documents/mygames/xcom-enemy-unknown/xcomgame/savedata folder. Replace your old profile.bin or save your old file and use the new one. It won't change your keybindings or setting it will just unlock all the second wave options.

Uninstall: Delete Xcomgame.exe in the above mentioned folder and rename 'xcom-original' to 'xcomgame'

Thanks to dreadylein for his patcher and everyone else in the comments for finding out which options work or how to get them to work

23 Jan 2013
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