Новая карта.
Новые культуры, религии.
Новые постройки.
Новая система обучения детей - воспитать наследников теперь сложнее и дороже.
Новая система покушений.
Священники заменены мейстерами Цитадели.
Реализована смена сезонов.
Множество новых ивентов, позволяющих еще сильнее окунуться в мир Дж. Мартина.
Версия v0.1.1
Добавили новый сценарий ( Таргариены свергнуты , да здравствуют Баратеоны ! ) , два новых Казус Белли , пофиксили несколько багов прошлой версии и нарисовали на глобальной карте важные дороги Вестероса ( вроде Королевского Тракта - мелочь , а приятно ) .
Версия v0.2
Из интересного - добавили одичалых ( теперь можно и ими сыграть ) , новые ивенты Ночному Дозору и какие-то новые Казус Белли .
Играбельность - Восстание Баратеона вполне играбельно , и игра за основные Дома интересна . Я три раза начинал ( за Старков раз , и два раза за Баратеонов ) , но Таргов так и не свергнул .
Моду пока не хватает скриптов и ивентов ( те-же одичалые пока добавлены так , для галочки ) . Это да . Интерес представляет лишь восстание Роберта .
Идей много - реализовали Зиму , мейстеров ( если мейстер умрёт , то надо посылать за новым в Цитадель ) , есть некая система дуэлей ( пленники иногда будут просить испытания поединком ради свободы ) .
Версия v0.2.1
Мод совместим только с версией 1.06b .
По словам разработчиков глобальных изменений нет , исправлены баги прошлых версий , добавлены какие-то казус белли на Железный Трон , безликие Браавоса ( не знаю , как это реализовано и что значит ) и рглорианцы .
Версия v0.3
Добавили сценарии , посвященные восстанию Грейджоя и войне Пяти Королей .
Изменили систему глобальной войны - теперь против Железного Трона могут вестись сразу несколько восстаний ( с печальными последствиями в случае неудачи для мятежников )
Вторжения одичалых на Юг .
Мощная магия Рглора для верующих в него ( тень , ты ли это ? )
Драконы (?!)
Ну и конечно фиксы старых багов и косметические изменения мода .
Версия v0.3.1
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- The council office ambitions for all offices except Maester have been scrapped and replaced with plots against the current office holder, allowing for a more proactive approach.
- You can now try to rebuild Harrenhal.
- Added an Ironborn reaving event chain, accessible via decision (not too many events atm, but plenty of scope for more).
- Non-imprisoned Lords can now rebel against or flee from the King's punishments after a mega war.
- Added an event informing all realm lords if the Iron Throne changes hands bloodlessly via the 'Gain the Iron Throne' plot.
- The Freys will now be pissed if you break your solemn marriage vows as Robb.
- Added an event chain dealing witht the Tyrell-Lannister alliance in ACoK.
- Added KG drama chance to trusting the king.
- Added a decision based building process so the wall can have it's "19 Forts" without towns/temples. Cost can be increased when great ranging cb works with a transfer wealth.
- Added a CB to reclaim your House's ancestral sword.
- In the post mega war king punishments, added special options for the Most Devout and Kingsguard, so they cannot be revoked.
- Added some flavor for fairs.
- Added some winter flavour events.
- Added wedding feasts.
- Included loan_engine.
- NW honorary title : Recruiter.
- Added the title Master of ships.
- Added a 'Small Council Advisor' honourary title.
- Allowed people to take the black at 14.
- Dornish can't employ concubines anymore.
- Stopped wildlings from asking to "join the watch" and increased the chance of a male banished to the wall joining the watch as opposed to being culled.
- Added maintenance event where non-maesters at the citadel are ejected to a family member's court.
- Changed household guard's actions to be permenant until otherwise issued. Increased upkeep cost to 10%.
- Improved valyrian steel inheritance so if a character is the last of their dynasty their sword doesnt disappear (makes marrying to gain a sword possible). The order of inheritance now goes: Your primary heir (same dynasty), random child (same dynasty), random sibling (same dynasty), random dynast, random child who is primary heir (any dynasty), random child (any dynasty), spouse, liege.
- NW ruler may decide to keep women in his court gaining possible councilors.
- Added a 'Notch Draw Loose' event for NW fighting on the wall.
- Added some more new decisions to NW and Wildlings.
- Allowed the knighting of non-squires via personal interaction, but at a prestige cost if they are not a good warrior.
- Can no longer use ironborn invasion against high lordship titles held by LPs.
- Can now use ironborn invasion against independent Lords (counts).
- Job_Marshal/combat_trait events edited to replace military tech action with train children.
- Spymaster study technology reflavored to 'sabotage econemy' with a strength 0.05 weaker than collect taxes bonus per stat.
- Finished Warden titles and events.
- Reworked the house words events that were removed some time ago.
- Scoured the events for instances where you get a random chance of gaining/losing traits but are not notified properly, and added notifications.
- When sending a gift/insulting someone the relation change is now shown in the tooltip.
Character setup:
- Added a 'Leads from the Rear' trait which makes battlefield duels less likely.
- Added hunting trait, so now you need a regent when you hunt.
- Many, many, many more ancestors added.
- Fixed lightbringer's date of appearence.
- Fixed crippled trait not showing up.
- If Joffrey or his siblings lose the Iron Throne Jaime is now set as their legal father.
- Ilyn Payne now in KL, Janos Slynt in NW, Jacelyn Bywater commander of gold cloaks.
- Linked minor houses together and gave the children of Lords in Roberts Rebellion scenario, children of their own for the aCoK scenario. Basically so they don't die out.
- Redwyne twins now start imprisoned in KL for ACoK.
- Gave Willas & Garlan Tyrell the formiddable warrior trait, to reflect that they are better than Loras, just less flashy about it.
- Created Small paul, Chett and Yoren in the nightswatch.
- Created Syrio Forell.
- Added Patchface & Moon Boy.
- Maesters Frenken, Qalen and Wendamyr & Erik Ironmaker added.
- Added Sarella Sand.
- Gave Mors Crowfood Umber his family.
- Added Marillion, Maester Colemon, Maester Helliweg, Septon Lucas and Samwell Strong.
- Added spouse Spotted Sylva to Eldon Estermont on 8300.5.17.
- Made Harry the Heir an Arryn from Jon Arryn's death, so he can inherit the Vale
- Added Brightroar, Heartsbane and Nightfall.
- Made Ser Helman Tallhart into the badass knight he's supposed to be.
- Initialisation event now organises the King's small council (e.g. Varys is now Master of Whisperers).
- Gave children to Ronnel Dayne (Darkstar's younger brother) so the Daynes don't die out quickly.
- Added House Arryn of Gulltown, which due to paradox bugginess has to be a seperate dynasty. The line can be legitimised if only one Arryn remains.
- Greatjon brothers added.
Province and title setup:
- All provinces now have histories back to 1 AL!
- Renamed Ten Towers province to Harlaw Hill.
- Created the Barony of Sunderland Hall, gave Lord Triston Sunderland dominion over it and the Sisters.
- All Vale lordships should now be primogeniture from the start.
- Made Torrhenn's Square a part of the Winterfell High Lordship.
- HL of North Clans now vacant rather than owned by the Starks, to give the north clans something to work towards.
- Fixed the base buildings in the Rills.
- If Renly has a child in ACOK the Stormlands will now change form seniority to primogeniture.
- Reduced the chance of lunacy as a result of inbreeding through divine_blood.
- Adjusted navy composition in Dragonstone so the AI is more likely to use it. Also gave Driftmark some boats as well.
- Increased the maximum AI counter invasion distance in defines.txt, so The Iron Throne doesnt assemble giant stacks to just gain attrition in King's Landing.
- E_beyond the wall requires 500 prestige and costs 100 prestige.
- Cityguard training is now +0.1 morale instead of tech gain.
- Tweaked reeducation.
- Free infidel title revocation no longer allowed at any CA, to stop free revocation of iron islander titles.
- Your Maester's skill now effects your courtier's chances of gaining/losing health conditions.
Graphics and portraits:
- Removed bishop hats for all cultures.
- Added RicardoSilva's winterhorn trait pic.
- Added a COA for Bronn, which he gets after the battle of Blackwater.
- Added COAs for House Swygert, Musgood and Wagstaff. Existing Sunderland COA added to the new dynasty.
- Added the Dungeons and Sieges mod by waylit1 (http://forum.paradox....risonment-Game!).
- Included a part of Lupus Agnum minimod (http://forum.paradox....-martial-skill).
- Removed characterview.wav.
- Disabled the technology overview screen.
- Fixed bug where if a Lord joined Robb's ACOK war they wouldnt be part of the North after the war if they won.
- In the wildling invasion CB, the victor is now given the primary title of the defeated even if unoccupied.
- After banishing and choosing to send to nights watch succession is now recalculated properly, so black brothers dont stay in lines of succession.
- If you banish the Grand Maester he wont now simply come back.
- Fixed Lords who join independence wars through a call to arms not being vassalised by the new King.
- Fixed Lyanna being imprisoned by Ned if the Targs win.
- Tweaked ship positioning for Dragonstone so that boats wouldn't appear on land.
- Fixed a few weird straits.
- No more kingsguards in the Night's Watch.
- Fixed mega war bug where a Lord sometimes joined and left a mega war in an endless loop.
- Fixed bug where wildlings can be forced to give up NW castles after conquering them.
- Fixed bug in the restore the NW CB where sometimes not all territory is given back to the watch.
- Fixed Blackwood/Bracken trait inheritance.
- Fixed the event which banishes men from the KG court, if KG somehow ended up with the King it banished all the King's vassals.
- Stopped wildlings from holding trial by court and wildlings from being recognised by the laws of men. Nightswatch can no longer send people to the wall via trial.
- Fixed mega war issue where a loyalist would not rejoin the King's wars if at peace.
- When someone joins the Kingsguard succession is now recalculated.
- Fixed bug where Renly would be made to start iron Throne wars when Stannis dies, years after ACoK ends.
- NW members now properly lose claim.
- Stopped wildling revolts from happening at the wall if culture spread resulting in game over.
- Repaired the finding/losing valyrian sword events.
- Fixed problem with characters who weren't inbred gaining the inbred trait.
- Fixed targs sometimes getting more than one notification of the coin flip.
- Fixed being able to pick your captor as your champion in a trial by combat.
- Fixed wildfire being able to cure maiming.
- Initialisation event can now happen at any date.
Version 0.3.2
Main features:
- The mod is now compatible with 1.07b.
- Added a pre-conquest 'Seven Kingdoms' scenario.
- Added an Aegon's Landing scenario.
- Added a 'After the Spring' bookmark for 8211.
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Lesser Lords can now choose sides mid civil war.
- If the Starks win the war they now have some choice on what to do with the Iron Throne, either give it to Stannis, to Renly, claim it themselves (if ambitious) or just go home and leave a power vacuum.
- Added some vengeance events for Robb if he wins ACoK.
- Added Royal Proclamations for all Kingdoms.
- Added a few ironborn related events.
- Added a Kraken related reaving event.
- Added comradebot's Farwynd skinchanger stuff (Sea Lions and Whales).
- Skingchanger Chain new animal companions: Eagle, Shadow Cat, Boar, Snow Bear, Direwolf.
- Blackfyres can now get the blood of the dragon event.
- Updated 'Become a Knight' ambition icon to current knight trait.
- Merged CK2+ plots : kidnapping/force rebellion/fabricate evidences of treason.
- Now Bolton can skin their prisonners/ Lannister can hang / Vale can make the little man fly / Ironborn can drown (flavour).
- Free cities guy can castrate their prisonners, and the iron throne can blind if they have the dlc.
- Re-added the Become Councillor ambitions.
- Updated plot AI to account for ambitions.
- Added a decision for indep faction leaders to defect to an enemy invader under certain circumstances.
- Added a decision to form the Iron Throne if it is vacant. You need 4 Kingdoms to do so.
- Can no longer get reading about dragons event if there are dragons in the family.
- Improved Dragon inheritance: e.g. if your heir already has a dragon another child will get your dragon.
- Added an event where you can obtain another dragon egg from your dragon.
- Added a decision to bestow spare eggs upon your family members.
- Taming a dragon is now much more likely to be successful if it was inherited.
- Optimised seasons events a bit.
- Added possibility to disinherit your heir if he has bad traits AND you don't like him AND you have other children.
Character setup:
- All houses now have ancestors!
- Added a few nicknames which can be gained whilst reaving.
- Added Westeros wiki links for all Targaryens.
- Added Arlan of Pennytree and his family.
- Updated Dunk's history.
- Buffed Baelor Breakspear a bit.
- Added a few traits to some Targs, Made Maekar Lord of Summerhall.
- Gave Egg a Dragon Egg and made him a squire.
- Added Humfrey Hardyng, connected him to the Beesburys.
- Made Baelor breakspear and sons western valyrian (black hair).
- Added DNA for all canon Targaryens.
- Stark children now have Direwolf. Varamyr Sixskins has wolf, direwolf, shadowcat and snow bear.
- Beyond the Wall populated with canon wildlings.
- Yoren's employer set to Jantos Qorgyle so that he will start in NW and not in random Northern court.
- Ollo Lophand added to Castle Black.
- Lancel now has Jaime's dna to prevent him having black hair and is mentioned in the books to looks like Jaime.
- Stafford Lannister now has same dna as his son Daven to give him golden hair.
- Gendry and Edric Storm now have same dna as Renly so they will look like a young Robert.
- Aerion Brightflame now has Rhaegar's dna so he looks more like he should.
- Euron Greyjoy now has Jon Snow's dna so he will have a beard and blue eyes.
- Serenei of Lys (Shiera Seastar's mother) added.
- Lysene/volantene now have valyriangfx appearance.
- Free Cities Populated with canon characters
- Removed celibate from Oberyn, as it doesnt stop him and Arianne marrying
- Varys is an Eunuch now.
- Removed most of fertility lines in traits since "cannot mary" does what we want now.
- Decoupled the bastard trait from Nightswatch, kingsguard and maester traits. Renamed bastard/divested trait to bastard, removed bastard trait from historical KG/NW members.
- After being subjugated, you can no longer join an indep faction for 10 years.
- Added a valyrian religion.
- Fleshed out Garlan the Gallant a bit.
- Mellisandre/patchface are no longer silver haired.
- If Arya is located in ACoK she now has a weak claim on the North.
- Added Brandon Snow.
- House Plumm given HL of Kayce until their demise.
- Added the Valyrian sword Dark Sister.
- Scripted most Hands of the Kings.
- Ruined even more tywin's relation with tyrion (was at 36 in acok, now -75).
Province and title setup:
- Fixed title historys of Riverspring, Castlewood and Hornwood.
- Fixed Iron Queen/Storm Queen titles.
- Gave the Swanns the HL of Red Watch instead of Carons.
- Added prince/princess titles for grandchildren of Kings.
- Put a large castle in Castamere for the Reynes, destroyed in Tywin's time.
- Added title "King's Justice" (with a bit of code that should favorise Ylin).
- Relaxed the conditions to be eligible to be chosen for the Kingsguard slightly; if noone meets the conditions, the King will now have the option of picking from trained warriors or better.
- Prohibited use of ironborn raid CB against wildlings, unless they are KBTW.
- Raised opinion of KG to king.
- Decreased martial from wroth trait.
- Reduced call to war delay from 5 years to one.
- Nerfed Storms'end (still has mega fort level) and increased the wall's fort level.
- If the claimant in your claim faction is under your liege's control, you now need to either invite them to your court or kidnap them before you can declare war.
- Can no longer faction for independence or crown authority if your liege is temporarily independent in a mega war.
- Lords and High lords wont issue an indep ultimatum against the Iron Throne mid mega war now, as they will probably be smashed after the mega war.
- Now dwarves have a -10 general opinion malus.
- If as the King, you revoke a rebel's primary title they are now taken prisoner rather than a hostage taken.
Graphics and portraits:
- New Coat of Arms: Qoherys, Strong, Harroway, Towers, Lothston, Mudd, Toyne.
- Quite a few portraits for canon characters.
- Added Indigo and Lilac as possible High Valyrian eye colours.
- Western Valyrians now have a chance of having silver hair/purple eyes.
- Changed the KG trait icon to the plain white shield.
- Added some decision icons
- Added a Dragon Conquest CB, which can be used by Dragon Riders to conquer independent realms a la Aegon I. The defender has the option of surrendering at the start.
- Now retinues have westerosi names and attributes.
- KG maintenance event will now remove KG title from a Lord or King who somehow gains it.
- Fixed duels curing maiming.
- Fixed mega war looping event (rejoin King's wars).
- Added the Mac friendly trait icons.
- Can no longer request a trial by combat if captured during a siege.
- Tweaked AI in several placed related to factions.
Изменения 0.4
[*]Airborne duels between dragon riders - дуэли между драконьими наездниками (интересно - как реализовано?)
[*]A new scenario to show them off - the Dance of the Dragons - новый сценарий - Танец драконов - одна из гражданских войн Вестероса, которой посвящена новая повесть Мартина
[*]A second new scenario, the Conquest of Dorne - новый сценарий - Захват Дорна
[*]New Loyalist factions that make civil wars far more balanced, and factions far less of a pain - фракции лоялистов, призванные сделать войны фракций более сбалансированными
[*]Several new features surrounding sexual politics, including stillbirths, abortions, and a brand new system for secret bastards - несколько новых решений и ивентов для "этих самых" действий, а также абортов, выкидышей и бастардов
[*]Our very own original soundtrack, courtesy of the extremely talented Aurelien Benharrats - оригинальный саундтрек разработчиков, написанный Aurelien Benharrats
[/list]Изменения 0.4.3
[*] Nothing too major in this release, but there are plenty of additions to try before The Old Gods, as well as the usual numerous fixes.
[*]Added a Quest to Valyria event chain
[*]Finally added mechanics to improve base value buildings on your castle holdings.
[*]New R'hllor magic options
[*]Blackfyre Rebellion re-balanced
[/list]Изменения 0.4.4
[*] "Перепилили" Грейджоев и железян под механику викингов-язычников из OG (ну, справедливости ради, эта механика и выглядела, как специально созданная под островитян, благо что они у Мартина с тех самых викингов и списаны)))
[*]Одичалые теперь могут совершать набеги и получили бонусы к обороне
[*]"Железные" могут брать морских жён, благодаря новой системе любовниц
[*]Черноводная, Трезубец и Мандер (самая крупная река Простора) теперь судоходны
[*]Добавили новые казус белли - что-то вроде мести другим династиям (в качестве примера привели Фреев и Старков)))
[*]И конечно-же, пофиксили баги прошлых версий
[/list]Изменения 0.4.5
Небольшие изменения, сделанные главным образом для совместимости с версией 1.101. + исправлены мелкие недочеты прошлых версий
Изменения 0.4.7
- Апдейт под версию 1.111
- Новая система колонизации руин (новый тип земельных доменов, который они подробно расписывали в одном из дневников)
- Мегавойны теперь не универсальны для всех империй
- Канонические болезни в провинциях (?)
- В королевствах с избирательным правом, которые контролируют последователи Утонувшего бога, после смерти правителя случаются споры за престол (?)
Patch 0.5.1 Notes
This update is mainly fixes and tweaks, much of which has come from feedback from yourselves. Slavery and Wildlings in particular have had a good seeing to. We've also extended the map to Asshai, mainly to give the Qartheen guilds more room to trade and for completeness. The blank areas will not be getting filled in anytime soon, due to a lack of canon information. The Westerosi titular kingdoms have also been integrated into the main mod, so you can try and forge a new Kingdom!
Important Notes:
- You may notice an enormous area called the Dothraki Sea, it is currently inactive as the Dothraki mechanics have not been completed yet.
- If you are wondering about the question mark flags everywhere, there are currently no flags for many areas.
Изменения 0.6
Dragons and Dothraki are the highlights of this update. The Dothraki Sea is no longer inactive, Dothraki Khals now being fully playable. They work quite differently from other characters, so reading the manual entry on them is advised! Also the CTD problems should be mostly fixed now.Important Note:- If you are wondering about the question mark flags everywhere, there are currently no flags for many areas.- Dothraki now fully playable- please see manual for details- Dragons are now characters rather than traits. Most events and decisions reworked to reflect this. other Dragon changes include:- Unlanded Dragon Riders can now can on duchy adventures- Dragon riders can now choose sides in mega wars like small Lords- Revamped dragon duels, there can now be multiple dragons on each side and they are also more deadly
Patch 0.6.1 Notes
This update mainly brings the mod up to date with the latest patch and DLC, utilising some of the new features added.- Mod updated for patch 2.1.3- Many history and database updates based on new WoIaF app info- Dothraki and Dragon improvements- Unsullied and War Elephants- Added EU4 converter support
Patch 0.6.2 Notes
This update addresses some bugs that arose from the update to the last vanilla patch, as well as being compatible with patch 2.1.4
- The Jogos Nhai now use Dothraki nomadism- Many dragon fixes- Mammoths
Patch 0.7 Notes
There are lots of small changes in this update. Some recent 'World of Ice and Fire' extracts have allowed us to expand our history setup, detailed changes are found below. We've also tried to make the various Westerosi regions slightly more unique by varying the troop composition found in each region. Other highlights include:
- Overhauled tourneys. Characters now match up in duel-like jousts.- Adjusted claimant adventures. Adventurers now usually require gold to accumalate an army, the size of which increases the wealthier they are. They can also ask nearby rulers for funding.- Ironborn may now have to duel wielders of valyrian blades to steal them whilst raiding- Rebalanced the Conquest of Dorne scenario. The lords of Dorne are now in revolt against the Tyrells only, giving them a chance of winning.- Updated immediate Stark family tree- More flags- Added House Codd
Patch 0.7.1 Notes
This brings the mod up to date with the latest 2.1.6 vanilla patch, and includes tweaks, fixes and numerous small additions.
Changes include:- Many decisions added from the 'More Decisions' submod- Added events and flavour for the Mountain Clans- Adjustments to the map, including changes to the Crownlands, Vale and terrain types- Many character database updates- The AI in The North is allowed boats again!
Patch 0.8 Notes
In this update The Night's watch and the White Walkers have received some love, with many improvements, fixes and additions being added which hopefully make the area more playable. The details are listed below. As usual, many fixes, tweaks and new flavour have also been added.- Many White Walkers improvements/fixes- Night's watch revamp- Titular kingdoms for Essos- Essos flavour- Dynamic Golden Company invasions- A new 'Prison Break' event series
Patch 0.9 Notes
This update is the first step in intregrating all the new information from The World of Ice Fire. Many database additions/updates have been added, plus lots of tweaks, balances and events. Also many changes have been adapted from the latest vanilla patch.
Highlights include:- Vassal limit added, which varies with Crown Authority- Characters can go into hiding, also adapted existing siege hiding events for the new trait- Can form custom kingdoms (empires not available yet)- Wildling reflavour- Many World of Ice and Fire updates
Изменения 0.9
This update takes advantage of the new modding capabilities introduced by the vanilla beta patches, the highlight of which is the new moddable diplomatic actions. Many other fixes and additions, including from the World of Ice and Fire, are ongoing.
- Updated mod for beta patch- Added 'The Rogue Prince' bookmark, depicting Prince Daemon's adventure in The Stepstones- All personal interaction and slave actions are now in the diplomatic menu. Many other decisions also moved to diplomatic menu.- Dothraki improvements