Вышла версия 1.5 мода A Clash of Kings по циклу книг Д. Мартина "Песнь льда и Пламени (Игра престолов)" к игре Mount and Blade: Warband. Подробней о изменениях читайте ниже.
A Clash of Kings Version 1.5
New features/tweaks/upgrades:
Reduced stumbling chance by 20%.
Reduced spear breaking chance by 10%.
The quest Bring Back Runaway Serfs should be a bit easier to do.
New female faces.
Couple new hair types.
A couple minor changes to male faces.
Unsullied use gloves.
Font fixed.
Pikes can no longer be used on horseback.
Added two categories of spears: Light, which can break, and heavy, which cannot.
Various flora changes, to make some of the battle maps less frustrating.
Morningstars now do piercing damage instead of blunt.
You can now re-dye all the starting factions.
A couple of battlemaps have been re-made.
The Padded Robes from Dragonstone now has the correct model.
Hooked Glaives can now be swung.
Plate Armors have been buffed slightly.
Tournament troops have had their skills and attributes somewhat changed.
Cairnhall is now closer to Weeping Tower.
Garrett Longley have been given a new armor piece.
Added Highgarden scene.
Updated some skill tooltips.
Fixed Sisterton tourney scene.
Dornish Spearmen have heavy spears.
Added Reynes Dragonstone Burgonet.
Few noblemen cloth texture changes.
A couple of changes to the world map.
Overhauled horses.
Made sure faction leaders have top-tier weapons.
Buffed Javelins, Throwing Spears and Jarids.
Tournaments have been made harder. Was too easy to farm for great rewards, renown and coin.
Various collision mesh fixes.
Updated some quest information to make them a bit easier to understand.
Added The Golden Tooth, Bitterbridge, Arbor, Ghost Hill, Starfall, Raventree Hall and Yronwood scenes, courtesy of LordCanute.
The random event about Baelors hair has been remade.
Couple of map party name changes.
Rusty swords can no longer gain the modifier "rusty". To avoid items named Rusty Rusty Sword.
The Pentos garrison has been tweaked.
Various dialogue changes to the quest "Escort Scholars".
Minor lords have been buffed a bit, should make their parties a bit tougher.
Companions will now update in taverns, switch around and re-appear after they've left your party.
Castle-Forged weapons are a bit less overpowered.
You can no longer recruit cheap Sellsword Javelinmen from village elders.
The Pyke battle scene no longer contains pyramids.
You should no longer be able to make the Miller's Wife a vassal.
The Westerlands and Qohor are no longer at war.
Qohor now has the right faction arms.
Music should no longer play over other tracks when entering certain scenes, and end once the scene is exited.
There is no longer a light house stuck in the area between Ashford and Cider Hall.
Your men will no longer eat lumber.
Skill penalty has been turned OFF by default again.
A Clash of Kings Version 1.4
New features/tweaks/upgrades:
Added a new starting quest.
Added commisioned items.
Added Reynes/Pif500's items.
Added three new tier of swords - low quality, medium quality, castle-forged.
Swords have been made more effective.
New models for Dark Sister and Orphan-Maker.
New noble clothes.
Couple of new tree models.
Removed a couple of outdated textures/models - replaced with new ones.
Various facecode updates.
Added some new shields.
Couple of scene changes (Volantis got overhauled, should crash less.
Added a new faction: Qohor.
Merged the Riverlands and the North into one faction.
Various lord skills/attributes changes.
Gregor Clegane is now more skilled with his sword.
Overhauled the companions price/dialogue/equipment/name/skills/attributes.
Completely new troop system for the Free Cities.
Added 9 new companions.
Added a couple of events when you make your own kingdom - you can commision a crown etc.
You now keep your own weapon in tournaments.
Added Salladhor Saan to Dragonstone.
Added many unique troops to certain lords, such as Emmon Cuy, Lewys the Fishwife, Dorden the Dour and Rolland Storm.
Many new town menus where you can recruit companions, troops or just visit iconic locations.
Re-introduced pretenders.
Various texture upgrades.
Various siege scenes changes.
New Iron Throne/Painted Table model added, courtesy of natekilfoil.
Updated various mission_template weather effects.
Added Lances.
Lances and spears now have a chance to break on impact, but have been made more powerful.
Various troop tree changes.
Various dialogue changes.
Various string changes.
Added a couple of new village scenes.
Tweaked wages.
Removed the ability to buy land from merchants.
Added the Iron Bank of Braavos.
Crannogmen no longer attack vassals of the North.
Trading should now be more profitable.
Re-introduced villagers/reinforcement parties.
Various map changes/tweaks.
Various interior scenes changed.
Companion complaints are now turned ON by default.
Various family relations tweaked/changed/fixed.
Re-did the names for many of the essosi characters, to make them more alike to the ones described in the show/books/MUSH.
New flying arrow particle effect.
Removed a couple of castles.
Changed many village and castle names.
Added a couple of new castles to Lys, Tyrosh and Myr.
Added new sea lanes through the Stepstones.
Removed a couple of NPC's, they'll return in 1.5 with new dialogue/offering new quests.
Gave many of the volantene/lyseni lords a valyrian facecode.
Tweaked bandit parties slightly.
Nerfed the Khizra Khalasar.
Tweaked the second valyrian face a bit.
Fixed lord Selwyn of Tarth being stuck.
Fixed companions getting the wrong banners.
Removed the quest "Old Tatters and Bloodbeard" due to The Tattered Prince and Bloodbeard being recruitable companions.
Skill penalty from encumbrance turned ON by default.
Peasant rebels now wear shoes.
You can now travel across the river between Myr and its villages.
Renamed many villages and a few castles to be more lore accurate/make more sense.
Nerfed Honorable Men.
Re-did names for bandit leaders.
Arakhs have been given the correct weight.
Elite Sellsword Pikemen no longer carry spears, but pikes.
Many of the Free Cities now have custom garrisons, to make them a bit harder to conquer.
Qohor and Pentos have garrisons consisting only of Unsullied.
Plate armor and some hauberks have been nerfed.
There's now a chance you'll stumble while walking.
Various prison scenes have been fixed.
Battle maps with annyoing trees have been fixed.
The text should no longer be screwed up when using a Mac.
Fixed the re-dye map option disappearing.
Fixed the ship on land bug. Finally!
Removed some textures/updated some textures. Mod should now run a bit better.
Upgraded various collision meshes to be less taxing on the system.
Various scenes have been re-made to be less taxing on the system.
Various entry points have been fixed.
The neutral entry point bug in prisons should now be fixed.
The script error courtship_event_troop_court_lady should now be fixed.
Robin Moreland and Leane Frey are no longer siblings.
Mercenary contracts now last 1 month, as they're supposed to.
A Clash of Kings Version 1.31 (to be released sunday 22th of June)
New features/tweaks/upgrades:
Fixed Long Spiked Club being able to stab.
Re-introduced Mod Options.
Tweaked piercing/blunt armor reductions a bit.
You can no longer parry with some weapons that have wooden handles (axes, maces etc).
Added Long Swords.
Polearms have had their speed increased by about 25%.
Two-handed weapons have had their speed increased by about 25%.
The Ghoyan Drohe innkeeper is no longer a transvestite.
Lysa Tylly is no longer a man.
The Millers Wife/Bride-to-be is no longer of valyrian descent.
Added a new banner for the player to use, House Toyne.
Gave Heavy Targaryen Knights their boots back.
Added three new village scenes.
Removed Great Lances, replaced by regular lances.
Changed the Wildfire Pot explosion effect - more changes to come.
Added various weather effects, courtesy of Xenoarghs Blood and Steel source.
Fixed Freelancer game menu.
You now always spawn with a weapon in tournaments.
A Clash of Kings Version 1.3
New features/tweaks/upgrades:
Many economy changes - should make trading more interesting.
Added many new trade routes - economy should be more dynamic.
Various changes to the custom quests - you need to defeat the enemy parties before you can continue etc.
Added many new armor pieces, courtesy of Kuauik.
Removed a couple of outdated items.
Re-did most of the noble outfits.
Pikemen now have pikes.
Lorathi Archers now have bows and arrows.
Added many new unique events.
Nerfed the negative events considerably.
Added terrain specific events.
Added faction specific events.
Removed a couple of castles.
Added a couple of new castles.
Added a couple of new lords.
Added a couple of new female lords - Maege Mormont etc.
Many map changes.
Re-did the battle scenes - they're slightly less clustered and slightly larger.
Overhauled tournaments, you no longer use your own gear.
Ironborn Axemen can be upgrade to Ironborn Retainers.
Ironborn Retainers, Veteran Ironborn Retainers and Elite Ironborn Retainers have been given throwing axes.
Buffed swords.
Buffed axes.
Nerfed bows.
Added three new guildmaster quests.
Added four new village quests.
Various changes to Essosi troops.
Various scene fixes/re-textures.
Re-did the tunnel scene in the NW quest chain.
Re-did much of the character backstory at the start.
Overhauled starting stats.
Overhauled starting equipment.
Added a new valyrian face.
Replaced Blackfyre with Orphan-Maker - Blackfyre will be back in future versions.
Various facecode changes.
Formations are turned on by default.
Disabled Mod Options - was only required for enabling formations.
Various dialogue changes.
Added Nordous' Sisterton scene.
Completely replaced all the artwork in the modification with custom made artwork.
Gave Gregor Clegane a huge sword.
The spice sellers in Meereen have been tweaked, a lot.
When enlisted and your lord is captured, you now have much more time to mount a rescue or wait for him/her to be released.
Gave the Dornish troops a complete overhaul, to make them more eastern, less western.
Added a new game font.
Spears can now be swung again.
Spears can now be couched.
You gain 150 experience the first time you talk to a village elder.
You gain 300 experience the first time you talk to a guildmaster.
Nerfed Carvers stats.
Gave Jarion Moreland the correct banner.
You can no longer stab people with the Long Spiked Mace.
Made Gregor Clegane slightly larger.
Nervous Men are now slightly tougher.
Peasant Rebels are slightly tougher.
Various map party location changes.
Various item textures desaturated.
Various specular textures tweaked.
Re-did the Moat Cailin scene.
Added Ruins of Sar Mell scene.
Various lords had extra dialogue added.
Various minor scene fixes.
Fixed Westerlands Billmen.
Fixed various prison scenes being blocked by obstacles.
Fixed the "lord_get_home_center".
The string bug tied to talking to lords and ladies and asking where other NPC's are should be fixed.
The Targaryens no longer invade twice.
The Barrow is no longer bottomless.
The Riverrun interior scene is no longer bugged.
All lords now have a fief.
Various alley scenes have been fixed - Fairmarket should no longer be covered in snow.
Fixed the bug related to looting villages.
A Clash of Kings 1.2
Новые особенности/твики/улучшения:
- Добавлена новая сцена Винтерфела.
- Добавлены Северные сцены, сделана заново сцена Ревераны.
- Добавлена новая сцена Кайса.
- Добавлена новая сцена Железного дуба.
- Добавлена новая сцена Морского рубежа.
- Сделана заново сцена Миэрина.
- Сделана заново сцена Юнкайя.
- Добавлены вознаграждения за победу в турнирах.
- Подправлены турниры.
- Поправлено оружие.
- Удаленно много оружия.
- Добавлено новое оружие.
- Переделаны хар-ти двуручей скорость и урон
- Удаленный много устаревших текстур и моделей.
- Добавленный много нового снаряжения для лордов
- Добавленное новое снаряжение дотракийцам
- Добавленное новое оружие для дотракийцев
- Новая модель Чёрного Пламени.
- Увеличен размер гарнизонов.
- Увеличен размер отрядов лордов.
- Увеличено содержание отряда.
- Добавлен эффект пыли лошадям (во время скачки).
- Изменения глобальной карты (в том числе и просто текстур).
- Добавленная броня Эймонда Одноглазого.
- Добавленный два новых валирийских меча.
- Удален "костолом".
- Небольшие твики в деревнях.
- Небольшие твики в экономике.
- Небольшие твики в именах.
- Добавлены валирийские лица.
- Различные обновления в лицах персонажей.
- Изменения в в именах у Эссоса.
- Изменения в наградах в квестах.
- Добавлены рандомные события.
- Добавлены новые пропсы.
- Добавлены пропсы интерьеров
- Добавлен пак анимации в таверне от Slavomir'а.
- Добавлены 13 новых квестов.
- Добавлены две новых фракции вторжения.
- Оберин стал больше похож на Педро Паскаля.
- Увеличены деньги у бандитов.
- Увеличен размер отрядов бандитов
- Изменения в экипировки бандитов.
- Дал Солеварни Роббу Старку.
- Дал Ярмарочное поле Руссе Болтону.
- Различные изменения в границах.
- Добавлено текстовое предупреждение, когда вы выбираете опции квеста, от которых терялась статистика
- Белые ходоки теперь намного более опасны.
- Добавлены в продажу благородные боевые лошади (низкий шанс появления).
- Добавлен в продажу лошади в защите (низкий шанс появления).
- Добавлены в продажу лошади в латах (низкий шанс появления).
- Сделаны заново шмотки для Ходоков.
- Уменьшено получения Дикого огня в квесте Поиск тени в ночи
- Добавлен соответствующий модификатор пустыни в дорнийские деревни.
- Добавлены рыбацкие лодки в деревне у воды.
- Измененная скорость стрелы/болта луков и арбалетов.
- Фиксы в деревенских сценах.
- Фиксы багованных текстур.
- Фиксе в текстах.
A Clash of Kings 1.11
- Удаленные многие города, а некотрые заменены замками.
- Убраны некоторые лорды
- Клиган обзавёлся домом
- Оптимизированы гарнизоны
- Добавлен новый отправной квест
- Добавлены стартовые города
- Убраны\добавлены\переделаны хар-ки некоторое оружие и доспехи
- Добавлено поиска пути для караванов и скота
- Добавлен новый морские пути
- Различные твики карте.
- Добавлено новое место для исследования.
- Исправлено: Побег лордов; Квесты; Юниты ; Лорды
СКАЧАТЬ МОД A Clash of Kings для Mount and Blade: Warband
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